Opening Stockings just before bed! Warner Family traditional Christmas Brunch! Our little family sledding at the park and playing in our yard after opening presents! Watching the kids on their new "jumpy thing."
NO Sean, no announcements - just an old box! 'Let me tell you something...' Brynn couldn't have been happier! I asked Brynn just before going to bed on Christmas night what her favorite present was and she said, "I loved them all." " I didn't just like them - I loved them!" William cared more about eating than opening gifts!
This is on Christmas Eve at my sisters house having dinner and desert and acting out the Nativity.
We spent some time with the kids at the pet store on Christmas Eve - just for fun!
On our way to church on the 23. Will putting on a gift given to Sean. Congratulating "cousin Hayley" after watching her in the Christmas Carol play. Out to dinner with Rameys, Jensens and Dahls at our favorite: Texas Road House.
Sean and I at Tucanos for my Birthday. Friends @ my Holiday/B-day Luncheon Openhouse!
Brynn's set up of our Nativity. B-day dinner with friends.
Friends over to play Will our human stocking Brynn wearing mom's boots Warner Family Christmas party Brynn and Will helping to make cookies Friend Christmas Party
Temple Square with the Young Women Friendly mountain goats Beautiful snowy day
Ramey ward Christmas party Sean clearing the driveway Friend get together Our ward Christmas party Decorating the kids tree
Daddy daughter trip to St. George and Las Vegas
YW making gingerbread Sean's Birthday
Celebrating with Friends at Bombay House and Cold Stone