Here I am putting it all out there! As uncomfortable as this is, I am hoping it will be for my good! I have decided to "go public" if you will, with my desires to loose weight and get in shape!
I am your typical, "struggled with my weight my whole life" kind of person. It has been the challenge of my life. I have yet to truly figure it out. I am at the heaviest I have ever been. I feel like there are a lot of things I could blame it on at the moment, but I don't want any more excuses for myself!
The funny thing is, I think I have the opposite problem of a bulimic or anorexic person... I have always looked in the mirror and thought I looked fine! Well, these pictures aren't hiding anything and it is pretty clear to me now!
So, I would love any words of encouragement, advice, or tips you may have to share with me!
I plan to journal what I eat every day and post it here on my blog. It will solely be for the purpose of feeling like I am being accountable for what I eat to more than just myself.
My initial goal is to loose 30lb's by June 1st.
Here is some of my plan:
-Do my best to avoid/limit large amounts of white flour, sugar, trans fat, sat fat, corn syrup. (This is Dr. Ozz stuff.)
-Eat close to 1200 - 1500 calories a day.
-Exercise for at least 1 hour a day, 6 days a week.
So, the thing is that I am passionate about food, and I don't just mean eating it. I LOVE everything about, cooking, baking, looking at food magazines, learning about food, reading nutrition labels, making grocery lists, reading recipes, trying new restaurants and new kinds of foods, talking about it, etc, is all so fun and fascinating to me.
Needless to say, I have quite the challenge ahead of me!
Hence, why I am telling the world of my desires to loose weight! I need your help!
Thank you to my friend, who is doing this with me! We took each others weight and measurements and took these sweet pictures of each other! If anyone else wants to join us, I would love it! The more the merrier!!
i am here to cheer you on!!!! you guys rock!
whoot!! whoot!! you go girls!! Come to zumba with me. I have started going to some night classes. That is my advice. It is fun and you won't feel like you are exercising but will get an awesome work out. The only other advice is have a plan of what and when to eat if you let yourself get hungry you will eat whatever is easy and convenient and usualy isn't a great choice... at least that is what I do. You can do it Summer!!
I am here for you and I am having the same goals at the moment!! You know that I know exactly how you feel! I think you are beeeautiful and I know you can sooo loose 30 pounds by June! I was just thinking that I would love to loose about that much by June too!! So lets DO IT!! :)
Summer.. Okay so I don't know if you know this but my nephew Koli is on the Biggest Loser this season.. He is the gray team... I have found such inspiration from him and we have truly changed the way we eat and how we look at food. Our family is all getting healthy together. I would suggest you decide to change your life not just lose weight... I also have like you done this my whole life, but I have learned so much from him and what he told us at Christmas. Learn what is in the food you are eating and then think about it every time you go to put something in your mouth.. We are doing a Family BIggest Loser Challenge and you are welcome to join us... Call me and I can tell you more.
Love you and miss you,
Nat Unga
summer! you rock baby! i love that you're so bold and determined. i'm 100% behind you and i promise i'll do my part in NOT bringing you any baked goods! hahaha! you know i'm always here if you need a distraction, a workout buddy, or just someone to eat a healthy lunch with! love ya! xoxo
This is awesome, Summer. I love how honest and bold you are. You're beautiful! I'll be thinking of stuff or hints and we can talk on our California trip. Erin and I can go a little extreme on the food/exercise stuff but we have picked up a few habits that could work for you too! I think it's great you love food, btw. Food is wonderful, tasty, soothing, needed, the source of our energy and movement. We just have to make it work for us. Go Summer!
You are awesome and I have no doubt that you will be able to achieve your goal. Writing down your food is a great idea. Maybe you could have a different girlfriend review your food journal every two weeks and critique it. (Just to give you a bit of accountability.)
You are cute at any size. Not every body can say that. I can't wait to see the "new" you this summer.
You're beautiful, Summer. Always have been, always will be. And the more you get to know Summer, the MORE beautiful she is. That said, ya just had a third kid, so give yourself a BIG pat on the back for looking as good as you do. My only diet advice would be this, and it is 100% guaranteed success. Do nto eat sugar or white flour, and go easy on the whole grains, but implement a little in every meal. If you do those things, the rest will come. Your food intake is 80% of the battle, and 20% is exercise. So you know where to put most of your efforts. My Mom is severely overweight, and she has been trying to do both diet and exercise for no avail. She just gives up because she becomes too exhausted doing it all together. Anyways, my two cents. Exercise when you fill energy and motivation, but when you don't, don't worry about least until you get your diet straightened out and your blood sugar stable (sugar detoxes are always a bit hard on the body...but ya feel wonderful when you're completely "healed.") Anyways, my two cents. You are an inspiration. Good luck. If I know you, you can do ANYTHING when you put your mind to it!
Did I write that or did you? I feel just the same about everything you said. It takes a lot of work but being healthy is satisfying! We are doing a biggest loser style program with my husbands family and I have to say accountability is one of the main keys to success. Also a food journal(one of my weakest areas) is something that has always worked for me in the past. You aren't alone in this and I am encouraged by how brave you are! Lots of luck(and veggies)and I'll see you at the gym in the mornings:) You are awesome and gorgeous!
Way to go Summer! I have no doubt you'll attain your goal by June. I'm there 3 days a week to help you out and I'm always willing to do more. I have some recipes I'll send you. They're really healthy, but also delicious so you're whole family will love it. Good luck and I'll see you at the gym. :)
You are so inspiring!! I am right with you that I love food and everything about it! Especially baking! I think that is a way I express my love, which has left a lot of love on my sides! Hence my muffin top. I love your goals and I would love to join you on this quest. Keep me updated.
You are right in thinking you look good because you do!! You are one of the most beautiful people I know, inside and out. I love your determination! I think for me being accountable for what I eat makes all the difference, so good call! You will do great and I wish you best of luck!!
you can do it baby!!!!! love you, summer!
summer - you're awesome!!! you can do it! updates and being accountable are great motivators. make sure you throw in some good incentives too. reward yourself for all of your hard work!
way to go summer. i'm in the same boat as you - just not brave enough to take pictures. This last baby did a number on my body and I'm looking forward to shedding the weight however difficult it might be! But, I keep thinking that fitting into my clothes is more rewarding than eating dessert!!
so impressed!!! cant waite to watch and see all the results. you must post pic often so we can see the diffrence. just wish i was there to be on a mean jr jazz team, we would burn some serouse calories running up and down that court.
good luck with it all.
Me me !! I want to do it too! What a great idea! Way to go, you can do it! Ok, now I need to find someone in Cali. to take "fat pictures" of me, maybe I will make Mike do it. Alright, I am so excited. I will check in on your blog to see how it is going. ;)
Good luck Summer! I just got your blog from Emily Brimhall-hope you don't mind! I lost 30 lbs. in 3 months last you defidently can do it in 5 months! I exercised for 1 1/2 hrs. 5 days a week. GOOD LUCK!
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